Past Conferences

This page includes a list of all conferences that have been promoted on the JSLP site. (Please note that all events JSLP has been involved with are marked with an asterisk*.)

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Pacific Coast Branch American Historical Association

“Creating and Crossing Borders: Conquest, States, People, Families” *

101st Annual Meeting · Albuquerque, New Mexico (August 6-8)

The American Historical Association (AHA) is a nonprofit membership organization founded in 1884 and incorporated by Congress in 1889 for the promotion of historical studies, the collection and preservation of historical documents and artifacts, and the dissemination of historical research. As the largest historical society in the United States, the AHAserves as the umbrella organization for historians. In this role, it conducts an active scholarly and professional program for historians interested in every period and geographical area. Among its 15,000 members are faculty at secondary schools and two– and four–year colleges and universities, independent historians, and historians in museums, historical organizations, libraries and archives, government, and other areas.

Click here for a schedule of conference events.

Click here for the abstract of JSLP’s presentation.



Cehila USA 2009 – Albuquerque, New Mexico (May 21st – 24th)

Click here to download schedule of events